cosby sweaters are paugh


Paughfan212 said...

Paughfan212 here checking in from Helsinki, Finland! This city is pretty self-aware and chic, and any paugh has eluded me. I will be spending time in more rural cities, though, and I'll keep an eye out and a camcorder handy for anything that pops up! Paughfan212 out.

Lee said...

Finnish paugh! Seek, find, and relay!

Paughfan212 said...

Okay, I am really bad at capturing paugh in the moment, but here is a recap of what I have witnessed. (Tonight is my last night in Hesinki; returning to Americaugh tomorrow):

-Lou Vega's "Mambo #5" played twice on the "Hits" radio station.
-A Conference Bike flying down the street at the Pori Jazz Festival.
-Finns doing salsa dancing to a Finnish band playing Cuban music (actually quite good, but the Nordic skeletal structures resulted in some paughstures of note).

I'm positive I witnessed more, but I fear I am not keen enough an observer to make a good field reporter. At least this confirms that paugh is alive and kicking in Finland even two or three decades after the heyday of Finnish Music Video paugh. I mean, if an aloof and unobservant fellow like myself can note those three things, just think of what an eagle-eyed paughspotter could find!