Craigslist Paugh

This was in the free section of the ATL craigslist, the most paugh and sad post I think I could have ever imagined:

This is a OLD poster that my mom bought a while ago... It's called "The Forebears". It's pretty cute, but we don't have that theme in our house. It's been rolled up, so the edges are a little crinkled, but it's nothing that would look bad in a frame.

My one condition is that you MUST come to me to pick this item up. I'd offer to meet y'all somewhere, but I'm a full-time student and work full-time as well, so time doesn't permit much. Thanks for your understanding!

If you have any questions or you're interested, don't hesitate to reply to this as I check my email very frequently. Thanks!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The reference to the decorative theme...the mention of frequent checking of email...I think this post sucked 1 full year out of my life.