This is a promotional rap video for the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating & Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE). To clarify, the rap itself is not what is paugh; it is the interviews and the interviewees in particular that are paugh. Listen for the breathy "ash-ray" at 3:37.

Faughber Castell

the cubicle: a dense grove of paugh

I expect to see some followup posts from all you people in cubeland.

stars of the show take center stage

SFPTOTOOT vs. Mothra

Vulgar Paugh

This is a very complex paugh image because it dances that very delicate line between revolting, and paugh. To discover the true paughness, lets discuss this image and find out why it is paugh. First, the frozen raw bird alone is quite paugh; the sprawled wings have a very helpless feeling, as if a chubby asian baby was pooping itself at a Tokyo bus stop, abandoned by its parents. The mystery substance coming out of the rectum of the turkey is very paugh alone, but becomes seemingly disgusting when it spills from the dead animal. The soft round shapes with letters are quite paugh too, especially the word ‘turkey’ spelled out in the back of the photo as if the Turkey is trying to communicate and define itself, attempting to validate its existence unsuccessfully. Two small details on the table around the turkey also make this image very paugh. If you look carefully you’ll find a random safety pin and ballpoint pen, two homonyms within the southern vernacular, which are completely inconsequential to the existence of a dead oozing bird.

Paugh poop

Some things should simply not be allowed to poop, or simulate pooping...

DROPlets, TABlets, & BUBBles.

This video has it all. Yes, ALL. The video footage, sure, but the main paugh aspect here is in the audio. Heavy, HEAVY breathing coupled with a nasal voice. We can all go back to bed now.

Make SURE you have the volume up and a wait till the grand finale run-on sentence slash BUBBLE War is worth your time.

chainsaws: not paugh

Chainsaws are some of the least paugh objects which are also commonplace. This says nothing about their users.

Paugh Video Game Characters 2

Considered by many to be the worst video game of all time, E.T. is also one of the most paugh characters.

His abilities are to fall in pits and then raise his head to levitate ever (ever!) so slowly towards the escape from said pit. That's about it.

It is a game of continual paugh-outs.

They even had to make a landfill to contain the unsold copies.

Paugh Video Game Characters 1

I'm pretty sure I've seen this guy at little 5 points.

Advanced Lesson in "Paugh" Pronunciation and Meaning of the Day: pallor

Officer Paugh

when pillheads roamed the Earth


never meant to meat: tattooed pigs

But one of the lovely paugh byproducts related to the human bumper sticker.

Paugh City

one day we will find this promised land

gone with the schwinn

What a sad state to be in...only able to stand on your own with one of these paugh contraptions. Perhaps it is their paugh-ness that is somehow diverting the effects of paugh from the vehicles they support...

great buckets of fire

bad boys wear black

Tis the Season

I think it has a lot to do with the gloves

This is the tip of the iceberg with paugh and bell choirs...just google bell choir, and you will find a painful abundance of paugh photos. Also, please don't get me wrong, they are praising the Lord, and that'd great, but I really think this is one of those modes of worship that is human preference over genuine worship...

No Picture, But Still Paugh

Making a website dedicated to your cat is paugh.....
I'm not trying to judge, but it is a paugh activity...

Ineffective Medical Products

when paugh attacks

Paugh Couples