welcome back josh, elder statesman and co-progenitor of paugh!

faceless dolls (whatever happened to mr. el?)

on assignment: imunderwater

Thanks again to @imunderwater for his excellent field reporting over Thanksgiving. Check out his tumblr for more.

younger prime numbers

black friday recovery aid

Thanks Nelson Family...I had nearly forgotten this.

step by step thanksgiving paugh

Go here for complete directions.

stairway to paughdom

exhaling paugh

Check out Conrad's channel on Youtube for thousands more just like this.

Thanks Paughfan212.

steve wozniak in a mullet

steve wozniak on a segway

burgundy years

giant crayons

conference center floor

Beach Vacation

trash-talkin' paugh

Christmas Foretaste - Trees

paughpa smurf

paugh: the whole is greater than the sum of its parts

field operative report (11/12): VIC

from @imunderwater: Which is more paugh? Vic's portrait art or Vic's portrait art as auto decals?

veterans are not paugh, but old monitors are

bo pilgrim

it's not a cookie, mother

Thanks @Krispykr33m!


time change paugh

do it raughcapella!

thank friday, it's paugh


ribbon cutting

big scissors, awkward poses, even a bonus kilt!

vote for paugh!